Red attracts power and you will find powerful personalities sporting red color. Red stands for vitality, stability, bravery, confidence, optimism and honesty. It enhances your analytical skills and keeps you motivated.
Medicinal Powers
Red is associated with Root Chakra and hence you derive the following health benefits.
- It addresses constipation, piles, diarrhea and ulcerative colitis.
- It is good for high blood pressure and impotence. Since Root Chakra is associated with lower parts of the body, wearing Red Shamballa bracelets helps better performance of those organs.
Red Shamballa bracelet will go well with black color dress. Red and black will complement each other and this stunning contrast will enhance your looks. With the right type of black dress, you could wear red Shamballa bracelet for a professional meeting or a party.
Wear small sized earrings in red to match your bracelet.
Himanshu AOn –